Vermiculite itself has not been known to cause health problems; however, some vermiculite insulation contains asbestos fibres and if inhaled, these asbestos fibres can cause serious health problems. Vermiculite was commonly used as insulation in many homes between 1920 and 1990. When heated, it expands like popcorn into a loose. lightweight material that is absorbent, fireproof and a good insulator. We remove vermiculite with a specialized vacuum trailer (Vec-Loader) making the removal process faster and safer for everyone involved.
Not all vermiculite insulation contains asbestos. Vermiculite from the Libby Mine in the United States was used in insulation products sold under the brand name Zonolite Attic Insulation in Canada and has been known to contain asbestos.
We remove the vermiculite with a vacuum trailer that uses specialized hoses to remove the hazardous material from every area of the building and take it directly to the truck where it is safely removed from the property. This process allows for easy access into the attic space and is on 263% faster than the manual process while also also reducing airborne particulates by an average of 36%.
Our removal system ensures zero impact to the inside living area of the home.

Minimizing the risk of exposure should be a top priority.
According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, the best way to minimize asbestos exposure from vermiculite is to not remove or disturb the insulation. Moving the vermiculite will cause the fibres to become airborne and potentially be inhaled.
The following precautions should be taken to prevent releasing asbestos fibres into the air:
Do not use the attic for storage
Nobody should go in the attic
If you plan to renovate, hire a professional who is trained and certified to handle asbestos
Never remove the insulation yourself
Seal all cracks and holes in the ceilings to prevent insulation from sifting through
Traditionally, asbestos containing vermiculite is removed manually with shovels, then bagged and walked through the property to remove it. This process makes it difficult to ensure that all of the material is removed and that none of the asbestos fibres escape into the air. The Vec-Loader eliminates this risk.
Lower airborne insulation fiber and radionuclides
Greater waste compaction and lower disposal costs
Lower cost of operation and higher productivity
Reduced worker contact with insulation
Faster, better, green cleaning process
Our technology allows us to remove asbestos-containing vermiculite with minimal impact to the daily activities of your home.
We have been removing vermiculite from homes around BC for over 20 years. Our project managers and certified workers understand the importance of ensuring your home is free of any potential hazards. We provide an complete start to finish process that is the most cost-effective and least disruptive way of removing the hazardous material.
If you think you may have asbestos-containing vermiculite insulation but have not yet had it tested, we work with some of the best testing consultants who can get the process started. Your safety is our priority.